Safety Action Plan

Rockingham received a grant from the Federal Highway Administration to create a comprehensive Safety Action Plan with an end goal of preventing deaths and serious injuries as well as
making Route 121 safe and accessible for all from Bellows Falls to Saxtons River. Our goal is to acknowledge the Vision zero statement with zero deaths and serious injuries by 2035. Rockingham wants your input, feedback, and experience as residents, walkers, bikers, riders and drivers along 121 from the red light to Main Street Saxtons River. A final draft of the Safety Action Plan will make Rockingham eligible for bike and pedestrian grants, and federal highway implementation grants in time for 2026 Route 121 road reconstruction, and we hope to include better connectivity for all users between Rockingham’s two largest Villages. Betsy Thurston, Rockingham’s Development Assistant will present the Safety Action Plan at the Westminster Selectboard meeting on Tuesday February 11th at 6:30pm.

Town Meeting

Town Meeting will be held at the Bellows Falls Union High School Auditorium on Saturday March 1, 2025 at 10:00am. Australian ballot voting will be held on Tuesday March 4, 2025 between 8:00am and 7:00pm at the Westminster Institute; 3534 US Route 5 in Westminster. Click or tap the image below for the Warning:

Click or tap here for the Warning for the Annual Meeting of the River Valley Technical Center School District.

Did You Ever…

Want to be involved with being an important part of Westminster’s future? If so, we have openings on the Conservation Commission and the Planning Commission. Generally, meetings are once a month. From time to time, other projects become part of the commissions’ work. Contact the Town Manager’s office for more information either by email or call 722-4255.

Fire Prevention Week

Students from the Westminster Center School visited the Fire Department for some Fire Prevention Week learning by doing!

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