E911 Board

The E911 Board is responsible for maintaining the 911 uniform address system for the Town of Westminster.  The Board meets as needed in the Town Hall.

When constructing a new residence or building which requires a locatable address, please contact the office for a new physical address. 802.722.9516.

IMPORTANT:  There are many places in the community that do not have 911 address signs to identify the location for emergency responders, whether it is fire apparatus or ambulances. Please be sure you have one and it is properly visible for year-round viewing day and night. The signs cost $20.00 and can be obtained from this web site (info below) or through Greg Holton 376.3334.

Download this form, fill out completely, and mail with check or money order payable to:

Westminster Fire and Rescue
c/o Cole Streeter
P.O. Box 98
Westminster, VT 05158


911 Address Marker Form

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