Town Manager

Westminster is one of 48 Vermont Communities that operates under a Selectboard Manager form of government. Appointed by the Selectboard, the Town Manager is the chief administrative officer of the municipality. In this capacity, the Town Manager oversees the daily operations of Town government, serves as administrative head of all departments, develops and administers annual operating and capital budgets, oversees finance, serves in all capacities not committed to another office, and serves as general purchasing agent, Human Resource Director, and Road Commissioner. In Westminster, the Town Manager is also the Town Health Officer, Emergency Management Director, and Town Service Officer.

We maintain an open door policy. The Town Manager is always available to the general public, town employees, and the Selectboard to meet and discuss any issue or concern. Time is also available outside of Town Hall hours by appointment.


Office Hours:
Mon – Fri, 8:30am – 4pm

Phone: 802.722.4255

Fax: 802.722.9816


Lou Bordeaux, Town Manager

Kelley Thayer, Administrative Assistant

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